4th Edition of World's Longest and Largest Environment Online Event
Starts In
100+ countries, 200+ speakers
Unthoughtful actions of mankind have badly bruised our planet. The climate emergency, the loss of nature and deadly pollution threaten to destroy our homes and eliminate many of the millions of species that share this beautiful planet with us. Our lives, our peace, our well-being is threatened like never before. But this degradation is not inevitable. We have the power and the knowledge to reverse the harm and restore the Earth- if we Act Now!
Act Now to step up global efforts for #GenerationRestoration and to help address triple planetary crisis: climate, pollution and biodiversity loss.
Act Now brings to you 3rd edition of World's Largest and Longest Environment Online Event, 24-hours Non-Stop, on 4th-5th June 2022. The event gathers together organizations and individuals from the world over to present their climate actions, share their insights, and generate awareness about how we are geared towards restoration of our environment, and for taking care of the only planet we know!
Act Now has organized this event with Environment Online (ENO), Finland, Treebuddy.Earth, Finland Plant and Care for Peace (Pacfpeace), Finland, Brookfield International School, Chandigarh, Glamanand, India, Envirate, Finland, Nature Education Society of Taiwan (NEST), Taiwan, The POP Movement, USA and World Sustainable Development Forum (WSDF), USA.
Must Read Resources:
1. How Many Earths Do We Need? Humanity is using nature 1.8 times faster than our planet’s biocapacity can regenerate. That’s equivalent to using the resources of 1.8 Earths. How many Earths would we need if everyone on the planet lived like the residents of your country? Read More...
2. What is Ecosystem Restoration? Ecosystem restoration means assisting in the recovery of ecosystems that have been degraded or destroyed, as well as conserving the ecosystems that are still intact. Read More...
4-5 June 2022
Starts: 4th June 1200 IST | 06:30 UTC
Ends: 5th June 1200 IST | 06:30 UTC
Platform Zoom-By Invitation
Organizer: Act Now
Co-organizers: Environment Online, Pacfpeace
Treebuddy.Earth, Brookfield Int. Sch., Glamanand,
Envirate, NEST, The POP Movement, WSDF
Find us on: FB, Insta, Twitter, Youtube, LinkedIn
@actnoworgin #actnoworgin
All participants will receive an International Certificate
(Select few participants and entries may be featured during the event.)
(Check with your national coordinator if there are any special awards in your country)
STEP 1-Complete all THREE STEPS to receive your International Certificate:
1. Register for the event: Click here to register.
2. Carry out ANY TWO/THREE of the following:
(Under-age children, not legally entitled for social media accounts, can use their parent’s ID.)
Visit Facebook and LIKE: https://www.facebook.com/actnoworgin/
Visit Instagram and FOLLOW: https://www.instagram.com/actnoworgin/Visit Twitter and FOLLOW: https://twitter.com/actnoworgin
Visit YouTube and SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/actnoworgin
STEP 2-Choose and carry out ONE or MORE activity given below:
Common Theme for all activities: There is Only One Earth, Act Now!
1. Face Painting/Object Painting-Your own or with a partner/Example- An egg or a water pitcher
2. Film Making-1-3 minutes long
3. Digital Photography-Single Picture
4. Music/Song/Poem-1-3 minutes, writing, singing, solo, synchronized chorus
5. Poster Making-Mention your name, class and school at bottom right
6. Dance-1-3 minutes, solo, group, synchronized
7. Fancy Dress- for age 6 and below
9. DONATE - Fund Raising for Climate Action-(Only for INDIAN Participants)-(Participants get Special Merit Certificate)
IMPORTANT: Post and Tag your entry on YOUR Facebook/Instagram/Twitter account page, using following hash and tags: @actnoworgin #actnoworgin #OnlyOneEarthActNow
#enoprogramme #pacfpeace #generationrestoration #thepopmovement #wsdf #nest
#envirate #glamanand
STEP 3-FINALLY email your entries: peaceisgreen@actnow.org.in
Inger Andersen, Ex. Director, UNEP
Tim Christphersen, United Nations Environment Programme
Dr Niall McCann, National Geographic Explorer
Mathis Wackernagel, President of Global Footprint
Nigel Topping, High Level Champion for Climate Action COP26
Pekka Haavisto, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Finland


Organizer | : Act Now |
Co-organizers | : Environment Online, Treebuddy.Earth, Pacfpeace, Brookfield International School, Glamanand, Envirate, NEST, The POP Movement, WSDF |
Event Title | : #OnlyOneEarthActNow |
Starts | : 4 June 2022, 12:00 IST | 06:30 UTC |
Ends | : 5 June 2022 12:00 IST | 06:30 UTC |
Venue | : Zoom |
Live on FB | |
Event Page | |
Find Us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, LinkedIn #actnoworgin @actnoworgin |