21-22 September 2020 | 06:30 am UTC | 12:00 pm IST | 24 Hours Non-Stop
In year 2000, the choice to go online for a sustainable future was a rare, difficult, novel one, made out of pure creativity and innovation. In 2020, going online is an easy but no longer a choice. It is the man-incited-nature-forced-need of the hour, to be able to sustain our very future! In 2020 the world has been turned on its head, we are held hostage to none but ourselves. But, then, the mankind is known to come to its best when challenged with utmost odds. From being turned on our heads, time to turn our heads to look ways for a sustainable future, rather than mere struggle to sustain our future somehow.
As Environment Online (ENO), that begun in 2000, celebrates 20 years of its existence, we try to bring us all together, to share our thoughts on our environment, something that we may have, willy-nilly, taken for granted.
On 21st September, on World Peace Day, which also coincides with ENO Global Tree Planting Day, ENO INDIA and ACT NOW bring you a 24:00 Hours long Web Symposium that will begin on 21st Sept 2020 at 12:00 HRS IST | 06:30 UTC and end at same time the next day.
The Web Symposium brings together the key stakeholders in planet earth - the thinkers and the doers, from around the world, over 100 countries, across all time zones. And, may be, gather a million participants! After all our 100 million trees campaign has proved to be the most concrete deed so far.
For us, sustainable development means environmental, economic, social and cultural well-being for today and tomorrow. There could be no sustainable development without education – education of both, the mind and the heart!
Environment Online transcends borders. In 20 years, it has been nurtured in over 150 countries, by over 10,000 schools, NGOS, government and private organizations and thousands of individuals, all voluntary – our currency is green and works everywhere.
We invite you to celebrate our living and deliberate on how to mould our lives to sustainable living. It is our lives, now or never. We need to Act Now!
All themes are open in all sessions for conversation, due to availability of guests from different timezones.
(1) ¿The Green Is Not Enough - The green actions alone may not be sufficient. sustainable development means environmental, economic, social and cultural well-being for today and tomorrow. No questions arise here, only ideas needed!
(2) ¿National Curriculums Preach - Languages, Politics, Economics, Philosophy, Maths, and Sciences has been taught well. But, do we have a feeling that environmental education has been just preached?
(3) ¿Beauty Is Green Deep - It is no longer silk and smooth the definition of beauty. If sharing and caring is the essence of a woman, how about women breaking the policy paralysis in governments for tackling climate change?
(4) ¿It Is A Team Game - Are we playing together? Different governments, private organizations, corporates and individuals, though having same and good intent, seem to be at loggerheads with each other’s purpose. Unless this can be resolved, outcome is predictable, or rather unpredictable.
(5) ¿Hope Lies In Youth - The ineffectiveness of governments across the world in dealing with climate change and implementing actionable policies, has angered youth. Would mere youth anger change ground realties?
(6) ¿Color Of Economy - The bright color of our economies has, all of a sudden, turned dull when we can no longer use money the way we did a while ago. Is circular economy to be the norm to bring the color back to our economies?
(7) ¿Make Every Scene A Lush Green - The media and the celebrities rule the mind and the heart of billions. The role they play on screen, will they enact concrete deeds for the lush greens too?
All participants will receive an International Certificate.
Select few entries will be featured during the event. (Check with your national coordinator if there are any special awards in your country)
STEP 1- Choose and carry out ONE or MORE activity given below:
1. Film Making (1-3 minutes long) - Theme: Every Act Matters, Act Now! (Feature your climate action) (Format: MP4, MOV, AVI)
2. Digital Photography Theme: Our Ecosystem (Format: JPG, JPEG, PNG)
3. Music and Song (1-3 min, writing, singing, solo, synchronized )-Theme: Let’s Restore Our Ecosystems, Let’s reimagine, recreate, restore. (Format: MP3)
4. Poster- Theme: The Earth Will Live, We May Not, Act Now!
5. Dance (1-3 minutes, solo, group, synchronized)-Theme: Any, original or recreation related to environment
6. Fancy Dress (for age 6 and below)-Theme: Any, related to environment
7. Slogan Making-Theme: Any original composition, related to environment
STEP 2- Complete the following steps to receive your International Certificate.
Under-age children, not legally entitled for social media accounts, can use their parent’s ID.
1. Register for the event: https://bit.ly/33vKQty
2. Carry out ANY TWO/THREE of the following:
Click and LIKE: https://www.facebook.com/actnoworgin/
Click and FOLLOW: https://www.instagram.com/actnoworgin/
Click and FOLLOW: https://twitter.com/actnoworgin
Click and SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/actnoworgin
3. Tag and post your entry on YOUR Facebook/Instagram/Twitter
Use the following hash and tags:
#actnoworgin #enoprogramme #peaceisgreen2021
#bfis #glamanand #generationrestoration #UNEP #treebuddy
STEP 3- FINALLY email your entries : peaceisgreen@actnow.org.in
(1) All activities given here must be carried out under Covid Protocols applicable to your country and region. (2) All entries must be original. All entries will become the property of Act Now and Act Now will have the right to republish, repurpose, reuse in any manner with or without credit.
Pekka Haavisto, Finnish Minister for Foreign Affairs
Tarja Halonen, President of Finland, 2000-2012
Aishwarya Vinu Nair, Miss Teen Earth 2019, performance for the event
Mathis Wackernagel, President, Global Footprint Network
Nellys Pimentel's Miss Earth 2019 Message
Ritva Koukku Ronde's, Finnish Ambassador to India

(These volunteers will be available for you before and during the event)


Organizer | : Act Now |
Co-organizers | : Environment Online, Treebuddy.Earth, Brookfield Intl. School, Glamanand, and Envirate |
Starts | : 4 June 2021, 12:00 IST | 06:30 UTC |
Ends | : 5 June 2021 12:00 IST | 06:30 UTC |
Venue | : Zoom |
Live on FB | : https://www.facebook.com/actnoworgin |
Event Page | : http://actnow.org.in/peace-is-green.html |
Find Us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, LinkedIn #actnoworgin @actnoworgin |
This year, it has been clearer than ever that we are not each other’s enemies. Rather, our common enemy is a tireless virus that threatens our health, security and very way of life. COVID-19 has thrown our world into turmoil and forcibly reminded us that what happens in one part of the planet can impact people everywhere.
The year has demonstrated forcibly that we are at war with our own selves. And that Peace can only be achieved if concrete action is taken to combat climate change.
Climate change causes clear threats to international peace and security. Natural disasters displace three times as many people as conflicts, forcing millions to leave their homes and seek safety elsewhere. The salinization of water and crops is endangering food security, and the impact on public health is escalating. The growing tensions over resources and mass movements of people are affecting every country on every continent.
Take action to tackle climate change. Every human is part of the solution - from turning off the lights to taking public transport, to organizing an awareness raising campaign in your community. Share your ideas and activities with us through #actnoworgin #PeaceDay and #ClimateAction.
Act Now - Let's Shape Peace Together
#PeaceIsGreen #ShapingPeaceTogether
#peaceday #actnoworgin